Excerpt from the founding statute:
The purpose of the statute is realized in particular through the following activities:
Development and organization of civil supply structures in the event of a disaster,
Providing and carrying out the transport of relief goods and people and animals in need,
Organization, construction and management of warehouses, also on site and accommodation for civilian helpers and those in need.
Our experience in Ukraine has shown that small, flexible organizations can help far more quickly and effectively than some of the larger organizations. And so we will continue to help where it is needed. Whether it is overseas or domestic, whether it was natural disasters or other things that have welcomed people in need. We will be there, caring for and supporting people.
This includes the procurement of relief supplies, the provision of transport and other logistical solutions and tackling where it should be necessary on site.
Wir planen nicht nur unsere Touren. Wenn es erforderlich ist helfen wir vor Ort bei der Organisation.
Wir holen Hilfsgüter an Sammelstellen oder kaufen die Dinge, welche vor Ort benötigt werden.
Wir organisieren Möglichkeiten zur (Zwischen-)Lagerung von Hilfsgütern.
Unser "Kerngeschäft". Wir suchen nicht nach Ausreden, sondern Möglichkeiten.
Wir helfen bei der Organisation und Versorgung von Unterkünften.
Our blog contains reports and pictures from some of our past missions.
The list is not complete, however, as some trips were made without documentation.
Here you can get an insight into our work.
After the outbreak of the Ukraine war, like many others, we were in the situation
wanting to contribute. We wanted to help.
At the end of March, on the initiative of the Leipzig entrepreneur Ronny Meißner, we got together and organized a convoy with 17 vehicles and 52 helpers. We organized relief supplies, made the first contacts on site, and this is how a network of people developed, who continued to get involved after this convoy.
Almost every week, convoys led and still lead us to Poland or Lviv to provide people with food and animals with feed and medicine. On the way back, we took refugees with us, organized accommodation and, in some cases, took in refugees ourselves.
What started out as a loosely knit group became more and more structured. We started to join forces with other initiatives from different parts of Germany to become more effective.
With the increasing number of helpers, self-imposed tasks and the fact that we as private individuals were dependent on donations, the desire to create something permanent from these initiatives and loose structures grew. Something that can also help after the war, whether it's support for the reconstruction of Ukraine, or operations after environmental disasters in the country.
The common vision, the already existing structures, the will to help not only today but in the longer term was motivation enough for us HAiLog Crew eV to found.
Through the networks that emerged, we were joined by the helpers of the OWL help from Nieheim on. Mark Loeffelbein, who was previously responsible for this initiative, was appointed to the association's board.
All rights reserved | HAiLog Crew eV